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Is Venezuela the largest exporter of intellectual capacity in the world? This is what the experts say

Recently, Venezuelan migration once again positioned itself as a topic of wide discussion. In this sense, the American financial advisory, data and stock market information company, Bloombergpublished on May 11 an extensive report that points to Venezuela as an exporter of brains that enriched Panama and other countries. How do experts explain the great economic impact produced by the Venezuelan exodus? What is the profile of these citizens? HERE we tell you.

Is Venezuela the country with the largest brain drain in the world? More than 2 million migrated with advanced studies

According to a Bloomberg report titled “Brain drain from Venezuela enriches Panama and other neighbors”conducted by Joel Millman, a journalist specializing in immigration and human trafficking issues, around 2,000,000 Venezuelans with advanced degrees live outside their native country.

The study, which cites migration experts, indicates that most of these talents have managed to start businesses that generate jobs. Likewise, another large part of Venezuelans has focused on the investigation.

To exemplify the information, Millman interviewed four Venezuelans who achieved economic success in Panama. In fact, three of them created large companies such as Stward Corpwhich owns a fleet of seven vessels, the construction company OTI Group or the restaurant Stizzoli House.

Most of the Venezuelan talent has managed to start businesses that generate jobs. Photo: Venezuela Foreign Ministry/Twitter

How is it explained that Venezuela is the largest exporter of intellectual capacity in the world?

According to Millman’s research, Venezuelans “tend to be more educated than the average citizen of destination economies”. Likewise, its cultural barriers are relatively low.

Another important factor mentioned in the Bloomberg report is that no Latin American country produced as many college graduates as the llanero country did during the oil boom of the 1970s.

What were the benefits of the Venezuelan migration of brains?

Millman points out in his study that the countries that received the Venezuelan migration of talents were economically benefited. In fact, in some countries like Mexico, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Ecuadorchanges have been made in labor policy in order to take advantage of the intellectual capacity of the citizens of Venezuela.


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