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Lasso dissolves Congress: what position have Latin American countries taken on the crisis in Ecuador?

During the morning of this Wednesday, in a message to the nation, the president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lassoannounced, through the legal mechanism called death crossthe dissolution of Parliamentwith a conservative majority, in the midst of the censorship impeachment trial against him for an alleged crime of embezzlement (embezzlement).

After the decree, nationalities of Latin America have come forward to express their position on the measure that will allow Lasso continue to rule the country by decree until his successor takes office after early elections.

Peru expressed its support for Ecuador

The government of Peru supported Lasso’s decision to dissolve Congress and assured that the conservative exercised “his constitutional functions” by decreeing the dissolution in the midst of the impeachment trial against him.

“The Government of Peru reiterates its support to the democratic process in the sister Republic of Ecuador,” said the Chancellery Peruvian in a statement.

He also added that “he wishes that the general elections, which will result from the decision adopted by the president William Lasso in the exercise of their constitutional functions, allow the Ecuadorian people to ensure the maintenance of political governability and social peace”.

AMLO on the crisis in Ecuador: “I don’t want there to be instability”

The president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorindicated that he hopes that Ecuador can resolve the internal situation with a procedure to call elections before the dissolution of Parliament.

“I do not believe that there is instability and also I do not want it. Hopefully and the Ecuadorian brothers can solve this like this, with this procedure. If new elections are to be called, then all political forces participate and I don’t think there will be political violence, ”he assured.

In a press conference, the president pointed out that in the event that there could be confrontations, the Mexican ambassador in Ecuador, Raquel Serur, It is pending to serve its compatriots who are in the South American country.

“We are going to be aware of clashes, because our ambassador is already surely serving our countrymen in Ecuador, our ambassador Raquel Serur. She is pending and we are going to follow up on the process, ”she indicated.

What position did the former presidents of Ecuador take?

The former president of Ecuador Rafael Correa (2007-2017) maintained that the “cross death” decreed by the current president through a message on social networks is illegal, where he questioned the argument of “serious political and internal commotion” used by Lasso to resort to this constitutional figure.

“What Lasso is doing is illegal. Obviously, there is no ‘internal commotion’. He just couldn’t buy enough assemblymen to save himself. In any case, this is a great opportunity to get rid of Lasso, his government and his assemblymen for rent. , and recover the homeland,” wrote Correa.

Along these lines, the Citizen Revolution (RC) movement, led by the former Ecuadorian president, rejected the measure.

Marcela Holguin, who belongs to the parliamentary group of Union for Hope (UNES, which covers RC), assured in a press conference that Lasso’s decision to invoke the so-called “cross death” could fall into illegality because it does not comply with the grounds to be invoked.

“The decree issued this morning by President Guillermo Lasso is illegal”, since “neither internal commotion nor a serious political crisis” has been registered in the country, “added the correísta legislator.

For his part, the former president Lenin Moreno (2017-2021), who works in Asunción as commissioner of the Organization of American States (OAS) for Disability Affairs, requested unity, humility and detachment after the current president decreed the option protected by the Ecuadorian Constitution.

Via social networks, the former president assured that “it’s citizen time” and asked for a “cool head” so that the electoral triumph of Correísmo in the last local elections on February 5 is not repeated.

He also considered that it is necessary to “understand the moment, privilege what is truly important: freedom, democracy, institutionality, respect and citizen well-being.”

“For this, it is required (it is a condition, not an option): unity, organization, synchronicity and, above all, humility and detachment. We are clear about it or we repeat what happened in February,” he said.


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