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AMLO increases the salary of teachers by 8.2% on Teacher’s Day in Mexico

This Monday, May 15, on Teacher’s Day in Mexico, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced the increase in teachers’ salaries by 8.2%. “Retroactively, that is, from last January, an increase will be applied to the teacher’s salary, and to all those who work in the education sector,” she reported.

Likewise, AMLO pointed out that no teacher or employee in the education sector should earn a monthly salary less than 16,000 Mexican pesosequivalent to 912,572 dollars, “which is the average currently obtained by workers enrolled in Social Security last year,” he added.

On Monday afternoon, the president will receive a commission of 300 teachers at the National Palace, to whom he will provide a special meal for Teacher’s Day.

Another point that AMLO will see will be to review the retirements of teachers, who were affected by the educational reform implemented in the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto.

“The differences with the Judiciary are not new, they come from a long time ago. In the end, what they did was to validate these counter-reforms unfairly and by acting as pimps for the Executive Power and corrupt technocrats. So, before we finish, we are going to find a way to straighten this wrong, so that we can leave teachers, teachers with dignified retirements as they deserve it, ”he said.

Teacher responses

Alfonso Cepeda Salas, Secretary General of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), expressed the support of Mexican teachers for AMLO’s government project. “Mr. President, never doubt that the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of education workers in Mexico they will support you until the last moment so that the fourth transformation that we so long for becomes a reality”, he pronounced in the National Palace.

Alfonso Cepeda Salas is general secretary of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE). Photo: Millennium

In addition, he recalled that on March 9 they delivered a petition to Leticia Ramírez, Secretary of Education, in which they spoke of a salary increase, jobs and decent retirements. “Some of these demands are the salary increase above inflation in 2022, according to the Inegi data it was 7.82. A year ago I requested a reform of the pension system, ”she clarified.

Cepeda highlighted the active participation of education workers when the country faced the pandemic and campaigns against drug use. “Our colleagues participate in all the schools, even in the entities where the educational authorities chose only a few as pilots, we are printing posters and guides provided by the SEP to reach all the schools. We started holding forums in all states to deepen our knowledge of the New Mexican School”, he concluded.


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