There are always people who have a worse time than you. This is the case of Rudy Jose Arzolar Oliveros, father of a family of six children, now five, who live in a terrible situation of extreme poverty in Venezuela. They feed on what they find in the garbage and cover their bodies with what they use of it in maturin.
The event impacted the world after Rudy confessed that he had lost his son Manuel Arzolar, 12 years old, looking for something to calm his hunger. According to her account, she rummaged through the garbage and ate something that she had found, without thinking that it would end her life, according to AFP.
“I am father and mother at the same time for them. The mom died. I hope you help me. I have nothing to give them. No work. What we got is for half eaten. We live in the dump and that’s where they put their hand and me too. That’s where we eat. That’s when the boy grabbed something and ate,” she said.
He also indicated that he cries out for help to change the situation of his children and not go through something as tragic and traumatic as what is happening again. The case was picked up by the take care foundationwhich is looking for some authority or the Government itself to help them bury the minor.
They ask for help for the burial of the minor in Venezuela
“To the people, institutions that can help this family that do not have the minimum resources to bury the little one and neither to eat nor to cover only the basic needs. We will be enormously grateful,” they added to the aforementioned media. Through its social networks, the organization shared the case that went viral in minutes.
Poverty in Venezuela has been reduced after the social, political and economic crisis that the country experienced a few years ago, however, families do not feel it for reasons of housing, education and services. The current figures are still alarming since they threaten the life and integrity of Venezuelans.
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